Sunday, April 11, 2010

What's Missing

I feel that overall I have a pretty good grip on my study thus far and feel fairly well-directed as to where I go from here. I need to focus on the big picture moreso than on specific attributes of CF and Paleo; however, the passion I want to relay about Paleo+CF must first be justified with studies proving it. I am having difficulty recording too many observations about the gym- it's pretty business-like except for the five minutes before a workout and ten minutes afterwards. Any observations I gain are squeezed in between my own workout.

I want to start focusing on the overall meaning of the diet and the gym to those who are in this nutrition subsection. It won't be hard to incorporate this because I can feel their passion every time they talk about CFPaleo; it's just a matter of working it into my paper.

1 comment:

  1. I love the sarcasm of using a link to wikipedia for paper just to show me you linked to something. Its good writing. No need to go crazy now. Leave it to you to do so. Very creative and original. Made me chuckle.
